Thursday, January 20, 2011


Jack and Margy Flynn have been tearing up courts and frustrating judges, prosecutors, and politicians throughout the Southwest for many years.

In my next post I will publish their basic courtroom challenges which are designed to convert the courtroom from the corporate administrative tribunal, under which it covertly operates, to an Article III judicial forum in which the Constitution is the supersedant law.

From what I have observed over recent years is that a lot of folks learn a little bit of this, and go into the courtroom “half-cocked.”

As soon as they bring up the issue of Civil Rights or mention the Constitution, the judge shoots them down, intimidates the heck out of them, and they back down.

Jack and Margy don’t back down...They win! Jack has no problem pointing out to a judge that if he or she refuses to honor their oath and the Constitution that they are committing treason!

This is the kind of courage it takes. You must become a

“Belligerent Claimant”

The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor theperson who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a fighting clause. Its benefits can be retained only by sustained combat. It can not be retained by attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a belligerent claimant in person.

The one who is persuaded by honeyed words or moral persuasion to testify or produce documents rather than make a last ditch stand, simply loses the protection.

Once he testifies to part, he has waived his right and must on cross examination or otherwise, testify as to the whole transaction. He must refuse to answer or produce, and test the matter in contempt proceedings, or habeas corpus.
-US v Johnson, 76 F. Supp 538, 540 (1947).

In plain language, the belligerent claimant in person looks like anyone else, with one big exception: he does not "go along to get along". He steadfastly refuses to meet unconstitutional mandatesand the misguided social expectations that flow from those void mandates.

He consistently encourages others to stand up for themselves and to band together for their common preservation, and he lives a life of integrity: He is a fine example to all those who meet or see him, of what it means to be truly American.

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